Oct 26, 2020
ARISTA Corporation was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Fremont, California, USA. ARISTA is a global provider of the computing platform and visualization products for various markets. It has been more than 20 years since its establishment, and the original CI is still in use today. ARISTA Corporation will adopt a new corporate identity as part of its modernization initiative. The new identity accentuates the aesthetics and overall appeal in form of distinctive identification. The new CI responds to the visual presentation needs of digital media and is also compatible with mobile applications and various media applications for both Above-the-Lines, includes official websites, social media and digital advertising and Below-the-Line includes product stickers and prints and physical applications such as advertisements and publications.
The new CI is a combination of two A, which also symbolizes the combination of a hill and a mountain. The hill in the front represents our core team, small but robust and strong. And the mountain suggests our goal which drives us to move on and to reach the target. Moreover, the two A's also symbolize that we aim to become “A plus” company in the markets we serve. The two A forms an upward arrow shape in the middle of CI which has the meaning of upward goal orientation and consistent upward direction.
In addition, ARISTA's product lines across various markets that include Industrial Computing products and Professional Audio Video products. The new CI gives a distinguished color to represent each of the specific markets. Since the IPC product line focuses on the production automation of various industries, it uses PANTONE 319 C swatches to express a sense of technology. And the ProAV product line is related to professional audio and video applications such as large-scale concerts or projection mapping. Therefore, PANTONE 1375 C swatches are used to convey the meaning of vitality and movement.
The company’s new CI Logo will be officially launched in November 2020. At the same time, the company's official website was also updated and launched in October.
For more ARISTA Corporation, please visit: https://www.aristaipc.com
ARISTA is a leading provider of computing platforms and visualization display products for industrial harsh manufacturing environments. ARISTA’s Thin Clients and KVM extenders have been widely deployed in various industries. ARISTA has boldly transformed to create value for our customers. With our two core business platforms — Rugged Computing Platforms and Audio Visual Solutions, we can bring the solutions to address the challenges of increasingly complex process automation in manufacturing environments.